(Srpski) Međunarodna konferencija „Savremeno obrazovanje 2022”
Successfully finished ICE contest The ICE contest was successfully finished at the Institute for Contemporary Education, which was designed with the desire to promote pedagogical workers and their work through articles and examples from practice, as well as in the roles of lecturers. A large number of teachers were interested, and we received a…
Još 5 nedelja je ostalo do najvećeg globalnog događaja: World Education Summit 2022 Širite dobre vesti! Dobro došli na najveći globalni događaj u svetu obrazovanja – Svetski samit obrazovanja! Preko 400 predavača iz čitavog sveta deliće sa vama svoje znanje tokom četiri dana, na devet dinamičnih virtuelnih stejdževa, a među njima su i predstavnici…