Training for youth workers was held in Prague as part of the “Behave your Prints” project
As part of the Erasmus+ project “Behave your Prints”, which is run by the Institute for Contemporary Education, training for youth workers was held in Prague, which lasted from November 21 to 25. The training was attended by representatives of six countries participating in the project, and the team from Serbia (Institute for Contemporary Education) was represented by Aleksandra Borović and the professors of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Tadija Miletić, Zoran Branković and Maja Vukadinović.
During the training, numerous topics concerning the safety of young people in the digital space were raised, with a special focus on the problem of digital fingerprints. By combining lectures and an interactive approach, the participants found out from Lucas, the educator, useful information when it comes to privacy protection, cyber security and the principles of functioning of social networks, and they also had the opportunity to learn about the basic tools and techniques for safe navigation in the digital world.
Through debates and working in groups, the training participants exchanged opinions and presented their experiences regarding various aspects of using digital technologies.