The webinar on fractals attracted great attention of teachers
At the 32nd SonS webinar, organized by the Institute for Contemporary Education, everyone present could follow an interesting and useful lecture called “Fractals in the teaching of mathematics and physics”, held by Marina Trstenjak Petran, professor of physics, and Lana Kovačić Švenda, teacher of mathematics and computer science, from Čakovec High School.
The lecture was very inspiring and gave useful ideas for work to all teachers who want to introduce a change in teaching and bring students closer to the teaching of mathematics and physics in an interesting way.
The webinar presented various examples of fractals that we can see in everyday life: snowflakes, treetops, hydrangea and sunflower flowers, fern leaves, lightning, etc.
Art therapy by Tanzilia Polujahtova was also presented, which affects the development of children in several ways: it increases focus, improves concentration, attention, memory and fine motor development, reduces stress and tension and develops creativity.
Towards the end of the webinar, the students’ activities were presented through the tasks they had and the lecturer concluded the following: “The main goal was for the student to be at the center of the teaching process, and to be interested in a new way of teaching, by which he/she applies his/her knowledge and skills to everyday problems of life. In this way, the student actively learns and the knowledge he/she acquires is more permanent. By drawing fractals, students expressed their emotions, improved concentration and attention, and above all reduced stress and tension, which was our goal. With such a way of working, the teaching of physics and mathematics was less stressful and more interesting for them”.